Sunday, September 7, 2014

Day 2

Sunday Evening :), I studied a few chapter of Research Methodology,
Is not easy, because although i only focus a few chapter, but it really alot of thing to read

Before i continue everything, i watch a really touched video,
This video really make me feel so touched.
The feeling inside me is amazing and cannot be describe at all
I am 100% full of feel whenever i think of something
This is because i trust miracle can happen.
Life is not easy without challenge :)
Take 12 minute of your time, watch this video.
I guarantee it will give you the strength to move on in life.

Continue back to study, Today will be a good good day! This semester will not be easy.
Oh well, today my group of friend went to broga hill,
i want to go badly =/
I not kidding, i really want to go, but i know if i go, i will really be exhausted, and waste half of my day sleeping. I cannot afford to do it because i still need to study. I got 3 paper in 2 days, i only can sacrifice that playing time to study. Everyone telling me, last minute study lah, sure can work or so on. I did, i last minute study in the past. the reason why i study because i know my mark is very low.
I am afraid to fail, Is not good to fail in any paper. I almost graduate d, i not to continue fail in my paper anymore. Not again.

Sometime, get tease by someone, just let it be.
As long as i know i doing the right thing, and do it in the right time is more than enough
Play? Enjoy? I want it so badly =/
Exam, i hate u so much

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