Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Day 4 and 5

I had a worst to the max and also good to the max day :)
Hey come on, who doesn't pissed when they took the Investment Analysis
I just cannot imagine how tough is this paper
I screw up the whole paper, i really can said i pay alot attention study for this paper
end up? what is the out come?
i only imagine the F in my paper soon !

SO? after that
i had fun celebrating Mooncake festival at Bao Sian house with Erika And Chloe
hahaha ! all really can talk alot of bullshit and crap
man, this is awesome ! had a great celebration + chat
really make the bad day become good
hahahah ! Not to forget, i ate BBQ PLAZA with MC , Kent and WS
Free refill? YES !

Another celebration today, had a great dinner at "The Joy Of Sharing" at Kota Damansara, and end up hang out and watch movie about the maze runner.
Tired day, today dont have much emotional to share
i just feel is good that i'm live in this world :)

Monday, September 8, 2014

Day 3

The end of everything, is the beginning of a new journey,
I feel my holiday coming soon, however there is an big obstacle for me to go  through before the holiday, which is? the holidays
Today finally i done "SO called paper" , which i don't understand at all from the beginning till ending. I really don't understand at all about the paper.
I need to face investment analysis and brand management tomorrow,
2 also hardcore paper. I can really face the problem when i study for this 2 subject tomorrow
Tonight, i really going to make myself study
Really study and concentrate
No more playing around and slacking.
I can slack more when i finish everything, but now i need to study !
Study make perfect, less than 24 hour to study for 2 subject
Is not easy as u think, but i just hope i can complete all peacefully :)
So, what is so special?
I don't know. I feel like, i found out an escape route from my life :)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Day 2

Sunday Evening :), I studied a few chapter of Research Methodology,
Is not easy, because although i only focus a few chapter, but it really alot of thing to read

Before i continue everything, i watch a really touched video,
This video really make me feel so touched.
The feeling inside me is amazing and cannot be describe at all
I am 100% full of feel whenever i think of something
This is because i trust miracle can happen.
Life is not easy without challenge :)
Take 12 minute of your time, watch this video.
I guarantee it will give you the strength to move on in life.

Continue back to study, Today will be a good good day! This semester will not be easy.
Oh well, today my group of friend went to broga hill,
i want to go badly =/
I not kidding, i really want to go, but i know if i go, i will really be exhausted, and waste half of my day sleeping. I cannot afford to do it because i still need to study. I got 3 paper in 2 days, i only can sacrifice that playing time to study. Everyone telling me, last minute study lah, sure can work or so on. I did, i last minute study in the past. the reason why i study because i know my mark is very low.
I am afraid to fail, Is not good to fail in any paper. I almost graduate d, i not to continue fail in my paper anymore. Not again.

Sometime, get tease by someone, just let it be.
As long as i know i doing the right thing, and do it in the right time is more than enough
Play? Enjoy? I want it so badly =/
Exam, i hate u so much

Saturday, September 6, 2014

1st day challenge

I rewrite again my blog,
This will be the personal diary or blog for me in the future.
I accepted a challenge from someone about losing weight.
Yeah,of course is not easy. In the same time, i not going to tell anyone i wrote about this.
If not people start to laugh about me.
Well, well well,
I believe blog is still the better place for me to release out what i feel compare with twitter or facebook.
I don't judge people much, but i just want to know something more deeply
Who actually can judge me? or i should said , who actually got the "power" to judge me?
No one at all !
I never drop my tears for quite sometimes already. Not because i got nothing to cried, just that, i tell myself to be brave once in a while
Let it be the challenge in my life, the challenge that i can accept it no matter where i go.
I don't change my personality for people.
I will still stick back with the same me, same personality and the same way as what i do :)
A question come out to me, do i still have the potential to go after girls?
i can said 0%. I just a rubbish for certain time.
Well well well, Nvm, enough of rubbish, i think i shall start enjoy my life.
This month will be a wonderful month for me, because is my birthday and in the same time, i can celebrate with so many people. So many event for this month.
Awwwww man !

So my weight now is 110 KG, i will try to control my food that i consumer this month, and see what is my weight for day by day.